Neha Shilvant
4 min readSep 1, 2021

Is Passion Overrated or Underrated for Career?

Photo by Randalyn Hill on Unsplash


‘Life is a race…run’ -that’s the famous dialogue from 3 Idiots which the Gen-z’s relate to the most. Ultimately we all are running after only one thing-Career. Even though we imply that a career is the most significant aspect of our life, we never take a moment to analyze its crucial part, which is passion. Is passion overrated or underrated for a career? Let’s find out.

What is Passion?

It is important to answer this question before we begin. Think of this question as to the foundation or base for the rest of the article. Let’s not make it complicated. The simple answer is whatever it is that you love doing is your passion. It may or may not be something you can make a career out of. It may or may not be something fancy like Golf. It may or may not be something as common as traveling or reading, or dancing. It is something that makes you more focused and directed at one point rather than all around the place. Are we clear now what passion is? Great! Now let us see the underrated and overrated aspects of using passion as a catalyst for your career.

Overrated Aspects

Overrated aspects aren’t necessarily the ones which are hyped but also the ones which are common or majority of people know them . Some of these are as follows.

1.No Monday Blues

Let’s accept the reality no one likes waking up on a Monday, just after a relaxing and refreshing day and heading to work. But, if you are one of the rare species whose work is their passion, you would be spared the pain of saying, ’Yaar! Aj fir kaam pe jana padega’ God! that really sounds like you aren’t enjoying what you do. Being spared this pain is not less than a holiday, my friend. This brings us to our next point.

2. You Love the Process

Could you ask for something better? You love what you do. Instead of making a poker face when your boss says-’You have to work overtime today’ you are just okay with working overtime. Unlike 90% of the people, you want to refine and upgrade your skills. You may not realize it now, but loving your work, having a zeal towards the process and effort that goes into your job is the biggest flex of all time. Probably you will realize it on Monday.

3. Better Concentration

is a proven fact that you pay more attention to things which interest you. As a student, you may have hated some subjects in your college or school. Telling you about myself- I hated chemistry in my 12th standard. I just couldn’t understand the concepts. This eventually resulted in me not paying attention in Chemistry class and ended up getting just average marks. Having said that I always used to look forward to my Math class though. I didn’t have to force my attention, I was just naturally attentive. Guess what? I got a distinction in Math.

Underrated Aspects

Every coin has two sides. Passion is no exception. We need to consider underrated aspects too which are not known to many people. Usually, when we see something that matches our fairytale vision we may tend to overlook the aspects which give us a reality check. We won’t overlook them today. Let’s check them out.

1.It takes time to find your Passion

As fascinating as it sounds to make your passion your career, it also takes a lot of time to identify your passion in life. Some people find it at 25 and some at 52. You have to keep exploring and experimenting until you find that one thing that doesn’t need you to pay attention forcefully but you devote your time to it naturally.

2. You may not be good at it

Let me tell you another thing about myself. I recently found out that I love web development but I’m not quite skilled at it. I have to start from scratch and build up. It’s a myth that you are good at whatever it is that’s your passion. Not necessarily. Just like me, you may find what you like and then build your skill from the scratch. This is completely okay. We aren’t born with pro skills, right?

Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash


Even though it takes time to find what exactly it is that you love doing, you may not be good at it or any other excuse that your mind makes up, keep looking for your passion. It’s always worth it. But, if you haven’t found it yet, no problem! You don’t have to put your career on hold for that. You can explore new things while your career is running in parallel. Weigh all the aspects and then make a decision. Be passionate about finding your passion and it will work out!